Sunday, March 6, 2011


I began my research on online education with the idea that it was not a good option for any K through 12 student. My initial opinion of online education was as follows: Receiving an education via the Internet seems to be a growing trend nowadays. Although in some extreme cases this form of receiving an education is acceptable, I have a problem with so many K-12 students using this form of schooling. I feel that students already lack a lot of the social skills needed to be successful in life and be productive citizens with all the technology available to them (video games, cell phones IPods, computers, etc.) that enrolling them in an online school will make the art of communication face to face unknown and in some cases nonexistent to these students. not being able to communicate or be social effects everyone not only the person who lacks these skills.
As I was reading statistics and information about online schools I concluded that it is more beneficial than I initially thought. The online school programs offer curriculum in social skills and teach students the importance of having this essential skill. Online schooling is still not for everyone but for does who opt for their children to receive their education online studies back up the effectiveness and success.
 Online Schools add Social Skills to the Curriculum
Cyber Students taught the value of Social Skills

What does research show?

There has been many studies done on the benefits and disadvantages of online education. For the most part all have concluded that online education is equal to the traditional classroom education.There are factors that contribute the success of online learners such as: Online education works best when parents are very involved and dedicated to their child's online education, when online education is combines with face-to-face instruction.


What does research show about online and distance education classes?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What is available for online learners?

In the state of Washington parents who decide an online education is what is best for their children go throught WAVA. WAVA is the Washington Virtual Academy. It is a parent, student, and teacher partnership with the parent being the primary coach. In order for students to be successful in an online education the parents need to be very involved in their child's education since it is based in their home. Other states may go through the K12 online public school website, largest provider of online education for grades K-12.

Washington Virutal Academy
K12 Online public schools

Online Learning vs. Traditional Instruction

Surprisingly, according to a recent study by the U.S. Department of Education, "students who took all or part of their classes online performed better than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction." There are many factors that contributed to the results of this study. The time online learners invest in their classes is greater than the time face-to-face learners have in a traditional classroom. Online learners also have the advantage of combining their online learning with face-to-face instruction (hybrid learning).

 Study Looks at Online Learning vs. Traditional Instruction

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Who is Learning Online?

Report shows the number of schools in the nation, and number of schools with studetns enrolled in distance education courses, by instructional level and district characteristics. The information is the most current although it is based on studies done in 2002-2003 and 2004-2005. It is more than likely that the numbers have increased from the last study in 2004-2005 to the present.
Table 1/pg 10
Table 2/pg 11
National Center for Education Statistics
Click on image to enlarge

Definition of Online learning

"Online Learning is defined as learning that takes place partially or entirely over the Internet."  The definition is necessary to have a precise understanding on whether or not students who are online learners are actually learning compared to those who have a more traditional way of learning; that is face to face in a classroom. Online learning is based on learning solely by using the Internet or it may also be combined with face to face instruction. This type of learning that combines online with face to face instruction is also referred to as hybrid learning. It is necessary to list both types of learning because most studies that have been conducted on the effectiveness of online learning include both types.